What a time to revive the website and blog. As I am writing this, Singapore, the country that I am living in, is experiencing some form of lockdown in response to the global pandemic that is known as Covid-19, or the more meme-generating name, the corona virus.
We haven’t been able to go out to socialise for the past seven weeks, but have been allowed to go to get necessary items like food, or to head out to exercise.
I took this time to catch up on various things while working harder at work to ensure there is business continuity in my department.
I revived my enjoyment of cooking again, and learnt a new thing or two after discovering the wonderfully educational ways of Samin Nosrat, whose show Salt Fat Acid Heat is on Netflix.
I realised that I can be more disciplined with fitness and have a good routine of rearranging my furniture to exercise, and assembling it all back again on an almost daily basis.
I started reading more, slowly shedding off my Tsundoku status. But of course, I rewarded myself with buying more books than I finished reading.
I caught up on a lot of TV series that have been hailed as top notch, but I took a while because I rather apportion whatever limited time I have on Shonda Rhimes favourites. The Handmaid’s Tale completely took my breath away and was far easier to get into than the book.
I began the arduous process of Marie Kondo-ing my some 50,000 photos in my iCloud, and reorganised my digital life.
It is with this album sorting that I finally dusted the cobwebs off this domain, and cranked up the engine to get into the bits and bobs of working on my website again.
It feels like I’ve come home, and it’s a good feeling.